Testimonial – Ming, Li and Yuxin

I recently had to pleasure of helping the Mei family purchase their first condo in Toronto. Mei family is from Quebec and got in touch with me through the Internet requesting information about purchasing a condo for their son moving to attend Ryerson University.

We held our buyer consultation over the phone where I reviewed the type of property they were looking for as well budget requirements and area specifications. After reviewing multiple properties on their behalf, I short listed properties for them to see.

They arrived in Toronto late Friday night and we were ready to go see homes on Saturday. We were able to pin point one property that really matched what Mei family was looking for and proceeded to complete an offer.

Mei family had to go back to Quebec but I stayed in touch with them on daily basis keeping them updated on what their current status of the agreement was.

We negotiated a purchase at 98% of list price for them and provided them with solutions that matched their needs such as:

  • Toll Free telephone access to limit long distance charges
  • Online Marketing/Task updates
  • Daily phone calls till firm purchase date
  • Resources to local service providers such as Inspector, mortgage broker, lawyer etc…
  • Emailing service of all documents for their records
  • plus much more…

Following is the video testimonial that they graciously provided for us:

Following is an email they sent after we had done the closing for them.

Hey Addy. Just wanted to thank you again for all your help in helping us look for a house. We really appreciate the speed at which you work and the fact that you take care of all the details. I look forward to working with you in my future and would not hesitate to get you referrals. Thank you very much!

If you have any questions about our services or like to know more about how we can help you with your real estate, please feel free to contact me directly.


Addy Saeed
Real Estate Sales Representative

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